
What is Corona Virus, Symptoms, How to Prevent | Boost Immunity | Crony Digital Galaxy

2021-01-21 7 Dailymotion

Corona viruses are a group of viruses which casuses diseases in birds and mammals. A newly identified coronavirus,that emerged in China in December 2019-SARS-CoV-2, become a global pandemic of respiratory illness, called COVID-19. It is contagious, may go severe and cause death. Worldwide the death cases crossed 2 million. The recovery rates are also very fair.
After a year, the first covid case was reported in Lakshwadeep on Jan 2021.

COVID-19 symptoms include, fever,cough,loss of taste,headache, difficulty in breathing, body aches, sore throat, diarrhea, fatigue, vomiting and cold or runny nose.

The virus gets mutated itself to increase the chance of survival. The new variant found in UK and South Africa worries the people all over the world. The South African variant is causing a surge of infections in its country and raising a global concern.

UK's covishield, Indias covaxin vaccination are used now to fight against covid 19.

Frequent hand-washing with soap and water thoroughly for at least 20 seconds. Or use hand sanitizer.
Staying home.
Avoid contact with sick .
Wear a 3 layer or 5 layer face mask. Practice physical distancing. Physical distancing is effective in preventing the spread, as recent study says, it spreads through droplets in air if an infected sneezes.
Greet with Namasthe instead of hand shake.
Avoid touching your mouth, nose or eyes, especially with unwashed hands.

Boost Immunity and natural defense against corona:
Turmeric has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Suggested to take with milk.

The citrus fruits amla, Orange, lemon has vitamin C . Ginger and Garlic also helps in fighting viruses that causes seasonal flu.
Our healthy skin prepares vitamin D from sun rays. Egg yolk also has the same.
The groundnuts, almond has protiens.
Jeera water, a glass before bed helps smoothing the stomach and burns belly fat. These are recommended to take daily to live stronger.
Mental Health:
The corona pandemic effects on mental health is a global issue.
Sleeping less, stress, job losses, helplessness, anxiety are big issues. Take care of your mental health.
Sleep enough time around 8 hours daily.
Eat sufficiently vitamin rich foods.
Do yoga asnas atleast 20 minutes, day and night.
Breathing exercises with meditation makes you feel good.
Do prayers.
Spread awareness.
Read books, write, publish YouTube videos or ebooks.
Listen music.
All these will help you fight against the issues due to deadly corona virus.
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